Since times are tough a lot of people find themselves needing to sell a home. If you find yourself in this situation, do you know what to do? You don’t have to be an expert to sell a home, and you certainly don’t have to be a real estate agent to sell a home either. You simply have to know that there is a particular job to be done and make a firm decision that you are going to do what it takes to get that job done.

So, first of all you need a plan. You need to grab a pen and some paper and write down every single reason that you need to sell a home. Maybe you inherited your parents’ home and you don’t need it. Maybe you simply want to sell your own home and move to another city. Look carefully at the reasons you write down, and then do this, even though it may seem strange – read them out loud to yourself while you are looking into a mirror, just like you’d watch a school teacher. Really pay attention to yourself and the serious information like you’re giving yourself because there will be a test! You have to be serious to sell a home in the present tough Calgary marketplace, and the first person you have to convince is yourself.

Next, you need to make another more important list. You need to write down everything you personally are willing to do in order to sell a home yourself. Can you run an ad online? Can you clean up the place and show the house yourself? Can you go around the neighborhood and talk to your neighbors as well as new people you meet at the grocery store and ask them if they know anybody who is looking for a house in your neighborhood? Can I even sell my house in Calgary, Alberta myself(learn more here: ? Of course you can! These things are not difficult to do, but most people simply want to avoid doing the work themselves, and they just decide to pay somebody else to do all the work of selling a home. It takes confidence and courage to talk to your neighbors and to talk to strangers when you need to sell. Have you got what it takes? If so, then get on with doing the work for yourself. If not, then engage in “Plan B”, which is what I call it when you hire a real estate broker to help you.

Plan B means you choose to delegate part of the responsibility of selling your house. First, you will need to interview at least three real estate brokers. You are hiring a person to do parts of your job so you want the right broker. You need to find a broker who is willing to make a commitment to do the job of selling your house, and who will actually do what he or she commits to do for you. Since willingness and commitment are not the same thing, make each broker you interview sign a list of activities that will be accomplished for you on a weekly and a monthly basis. That means finding a broker who is makes promises and keeps them!

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