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How to Choose the Right Inversion Table

Inversion therapy has been used for over 2,000 years to treat back pain. Simply raise the level of your hips above your shoulders and gravity itself provides a gentle form of spinal traction.

The trick to inversion therapy is safely resting at such an angle so your weight is supported by your lower extremities. That lets gravity pull the rest of your body without undoing the effect by supporting your weight on your head and shoulders.

The ladder – Hippocrates’ original inversion table

Early forms of spinal traction involved having your knees tied together and your ankles fastened to a ladder. The ladder would then be raised leaving you hoisted upside down. Scary huh?

Other methods used ropes and pulleys to pull the patient into an inverted position. Clearly inversion therapy in ancient Greece left a lot to be desired.

Inversion therapy began in earnest in the UK about 30 years ago. Ropes, pulleys, and splinters were replaced with metal bars and gravity boots acting as ankle supports. A great way to exercise and enjoy the benefits of inversion – if you can get into the gravity boots in the first place.

Now there’s a better way to enjoy the benefits of inversion: inversion tables.

Today’s answer for back pain: inversion tables

Today’s best UK inversion tables have come a long way in comfort and convenience. No need to contort your body into a pair of hanging gravity boots with a hurt back either.

If you can stand up and lie down, you can easily use a modern inversion table. But that doesn’t mean all inversion tables are created equal.

The research has shown a number of areas to evaluate when considering any inversion table.

Health and Beauty

The Benefits of Weightlifting for Lifetime Fitness

Weight lifting or weight training has increased in popularity over the last twenty years enormously and continues to rise. The simple reason is that the benefits of getting and feeling strong are available to all people who spend the time and effort in getting these rewards.

Weight lifting or training with weights can be isolated into four different methods. They are constant resistance, isometric and variable resistance and isokinetic resistance. Also isometric resistance is the least common or the least popular of all these techniques it still has extremely good results.

It seems that people and scientists will never agree completely on which offer the best improvements in strength, endurance and power performance. But the lifetime benefits of weight training have without a doubt been conclusively proven by sports science and medicine.

The improvements that have been shown to occur when training with weights are not only improvements in cardiovascular measurements which can be seen with this activity as reported by C.M Reid and a few other studies published in the British Journal of Sports and Medicine.

For example one advantage is if you maintain a heart rate of approximately 70% of the maximum rate, for at least 20 minutes, 3 times/week over an 8 week period you will see the improvement by yourself. This is fitness and also the ability to cope with stress by there are other benefits of achieving this fitness.

Cellular alterations occur with this exercise, which may result in an improvement in the oxidative capacity of the muscle. When this happens, the local muscle mass grows, then VO2 max also increases and lean weight is higher too. A notorious thing as well, is the loss of body fat.

The loss of body fat is going to happen even if you eat the same amount of calories you were eating before you start to get fit. The reason is that the exercise has proven itself to speed up your metabolism for up to 8 hours after you have exercised and you can Klicka här to learn more.

What you see is that weight training, can increase your metabolism because the muscle burns more calories, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn all day long and most of this calories will be from fat. This will simply make you feel good and look good which is something most people can achieve with a little effort and routine.