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Health and Beauty

Dental Clinics: What Dental Instruments Are Used

Anyone who has visited any dental clinics in Singapore noticed the various instruments that are available. These instruments are simply the tools that the dentists will use to diagnose and provide the appropriate treatment for various dental conditions. The instruments are not just restricted to the teeth, but also to the examination of surrounding structures such as the gums and the jaw bones.

Below are some of the basic instruments that you are likely to come across in many dental clinics across Singapore, such as the dePacific dental clinic. The instruments are classified into various categories, among them examination instruments, orthodontic instruments, surgical instruments as well as anesthetic instruments.

Examination instruments

Just as the name suggests, these are instruments which the dentist will use to examine and make observations as to what the source of the problem could be. A mirror is the most basic of these instruments, and is impossible to miss in many of the dental clinics. The mirror gives a clear picture of the mouth particularly in regions that are not easily accessible. Probes also belong to this class of instrument, as do retractors. The latter are of different types, including the cheek, lip and tongue retractor, all with the aim of making diagnosis easy.

Orthodontic instruments

These are also quite common in many of the dental clinics that have specialized in orthodontics, which is basically treatment of conditions that affect the teeth as well as the jaw bones. They include ligature as well as distal end cutters.

Surgical instruments

Perhaps these are the most common instruments in dental clinics owing to the increasing number of cases that require surgical intervention. These include dental forceps of different types, elevators and chisels. Of special mention are the curettes. These are of two types: the universal curettes and gracey curettes. The former have a distinct tip which takes a semicircular tip that is used at the surface of the root of the tooth. The gracey curettes are also semicircular at the tip, but are designed in a different angle, 20 degrees less than that of the universal curette.

Restorative instruments

These are instruments which are used to enhance the normal functioning of the teeth following trauma to the mouth region. It is important for a dentist to ensure that their dental clinics are well equipped so that they are able to meet the needs of their clients. While this may be costly at the onset, it is definitely worthwhile in the long run.

Health and Beauty

Want To Pamper Your Feet After All That Walking

The truth is, few cities in Southeast Asia are made for fascinating walking just like Singapore. You’ll probably be wanting the tender loving care that a beauty salon in Singapore can give your feet after full days of exploring the cultures of China, India and Muslim Malaysia all in one day, against a setting of first world ultramodernity. With the fascinatingly diverse mix of cultures and influences that make the streets an absorbing cultural delight, you’ll probably want a manicure-pedicure treatment and the famed foot spa and massages at a beauty salon in Singapore!

It’s Better To Go Clothes Shopping Looking Good

Have we mentioned it’s a stylish, fashionable city? It definitely is – and what’s more many of those great-looking, fashions that will cost you an arm and a leg in the West can be had for less in Singapore. You’ll want to look the part of the designer shopper, of course, and a beauty salon in Singapore can help you with that. With a great haircut and the works at a beauty salon in Singapore, you’ll definitely be inspired to try on those latest mods at the boutiques that have made Singapore a byword in Asia for extravagant shopping. And even if clothes shopping aren’t your thing, you’ll definitely still want to look sharp, since you’ll never know whom you’ll bump into!

A Day At The Beauty Salon In Singapore Makes You Perfect For A Night Out

The bustling nightlife of Singapore where you get to go clubbing with the beautiful people is definitely one great reason to want to spend a day at a beauty salon in Singapore! You’ll want to make sure you look sharp enough for a night on the town, who knows just where you’ll end up afterwards!

Singapore is definitely filled with beauty. And with just a visit to Limmy’s Beauty Salon – a great beauty salon in Singapore, that includes you!

Health and Beauty

Congenital Heart Disease

When there is a series of faults in the heart’s structure that most often obstruct the blood flow in an abnormal manner, it is definitely a cause of Congenital Heart Disease or a congenital heart defect.

Cause and Effect

This birth defect has been the cause of many deaths in the past. Many babies in Singapore who are born with the defect may require surgery almost immediately after birth and many others may require it over time, ideally during childhood. Children who have Down’s syndrome are pretty susceptible to the illness that can later manifest into Rubella; but most often the cause is hardly ever known or discovered. In many cases, the diagnosis is pronounced at birth but there are times when the defects are rather difficult to detect and are identified later on in life or even during adulthood.


The symptoms of the illness at birth may include low blood pressure with the color of the baby being rather blue. In addition to this there is a difficulty in breathing patterns, limited weight gain, dilated pupils and feeding problems. Sometimes the heart murmur can be normal which can make it difficult to pinpoint the problem, but after a series of tests like an electrocardiogram (ECG), x-ray of the chest, or an echocardiogram along with blood tests, the doctor can find a solution. There are times when the initial tests are inconclusive and this may call for more tests like an MRI or a CT scan, angiography, or others.

Even if a person has had a heart defect for years, congenital heart disease may not show up until later on in life, or it can even recur after being on treatment for a while. The general symptoms as an adult can include a sense of unease, acute dizziness (not vertigo but similar), fainting or loss of balance, shortness of breath and palpitations, arrhythmia, edema of the body tissue or even the organs, a bluish tinge to the skin, extreme fatigue and a feeling of tiredness after the minutest job, just to name a few. One would need to meet with a specialist if any of the symptoms persist and even more so if they are accompanied by acute pain in the chest or extreme shortness of breath.

Treatment and Care

To treat the illness one would need to visit a cardiologist to get down to basics and Dr Gerard is one of the best in Singapore. If need be it may be imperative to opt for surgery to fix the heart defect. The specialist may recommend open heart surgery or even a heart transplant if required. The procedures take a long time and the recovery time is also rather long, so anyone desirous of getting back in time for work or school will have to refrain from doing so, as this is a very serious operation. The point that one has to note is that when the symptoms are noticeable or when a person is under the weather practically all the time, it is a good idea to meet with a doctor to get to the underlying problem and find a cure or solution.

Health and Beauty

What is Asthma and How Can Yoga Help?

Asthma is a chronic, long-term, lung disease which affects, inflames, and narrows the airways. It is characterized by recurring periods of wheezing, dyspnea, cough, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

Asthma affects people from all walks of life and affects all ages but often starts in childhood. Although asthma is incurable, symptoms are manageable. People with asthma, if able to take good care of themselves, are able to live normal, active lives.

Does Yoga Really Help in Improving Asthma Conditions?

A recent study conducted at New York University School of Medicine/Bellevue Medical Center found that people with asthma who practiced Hatha yoga regularly (3x a week) for 10 weeks reported great improvements in asthma symptoms and in their quality of life while some even reported to have reduced their controller medications.

Research suggests that yoga could bring about the following:

  • Increase lung capacity
  • Improve muscle relaxation
  • Counteract stress
  • Improve overall physical fitness
  • Trains asthmatics to be more aware of their breath, recognizing symptoms earlier

If you are asthmatic and would want to try out yoga, it is advisable for you to consult your doctor before going into a yoga routine. Then get a good instructor to create the right routine for you. Bronchodilators should always be at arm’s reach when you decide to practice yoga so keep your inhalers nearby.

Health and Beauty

Ways To Avoid Covid 19

Covid 19 is an infectious disease and cannot be easily avoided if you are exposed to public areas. This is particularly very common in schools and offices. Covid 19 results in restricting activity and prevents people from performing even the basic daily tasks. This is why many people look for ways and means to prevent the covid 19. These measures include maintaining a healthy diet, exercising. If you have any symptoms you should take a covid 19 test.

You can protect yourself from getting covid 19 by following certain healthy practices. Some of these are listed below.

Eat healthy – A proper and balanced diet helps to boost the immune system. Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables provide you with the right amount of vitamins and nourishment to resist covid 19 or fight it off once afflicted. Those people with healthy eating habits are less likely to be affected with viral infections, such as covid 19. Avoid smoking as this weakens the immune system.

Get adequate exercise – This is yet another way of enhancing the immune system in the body. It has been recommended by many doctors and health professionals to work out on a regular basis in order to have a healthier living and improved power of the immune system to resist many types of diseases including the covid 19.

Maintain hygiene – Keeping the body, especially the hands, clean are very important in preventing viral infections. Every time you shake someone’s hand, wash yours. Wash your hands regularly in order to dilute the germs picked up from the environment and to send then down the drain. You may also bring with you a sanitizing gel which you can use when necessary.

Health and Beauty

Gelling Agent

Properties Gellan Gum

Gellan Gum is the white powder without special flavor and odor and can disintegrate without melting in 150℃. Gellan gum can be dissolved in the cold water, the conditions for the formation of gelling are:

  1. Need to heat up first.
  2. The existence of a certain amount of cations. In this way, the gellan gum solution can form gel after It is cooled down. The gel strength, gel forming temperature and the melting temperature is bound up with the concentration and category of the cations.

Characteristic And Efficacy Of Gellan Gum

  • Form high qualified gel under low concentration of 0.05~0.25%. Gellan gum is an efficient gelling agent.
  • High stability at high temperature and low pH value.
  • Heating and sterilization has little effect on gel strength, acid gel has comparatively long shelf life.
  • Gel formed by Na+ and K+ can renew after heating, while gel formed by Mg2+ and Ca2+ can not.
  • Can produce reversible and irreversible gel.
  • Retains excellent flavor releasing ability.
  • Improve product quality.
  • Can be used together with other gums like starch, mixture of xanthan gum/locust bean gum.
  • Structure of gums formed by gellan gum can be transformed from brittle to elastic.
Health and Beauty

Searching for a good family dentistry

As the name implies, family dentistry is an area that caters to everyone from young children to adults and seniors. Because all ages are accepted, it is usually a preferred option for parents with children, allowing everyone in the family to have the same provider for their oral health needs. Visiting the same dental provider also helps to build a trusting relationship between patient and dentist, making the process easier on patients and encouraging them to get essential dental services through family dentistry.

Brisbane family dentists provide preventive services to stop tooth decay and plaque so more serious tooth problems do not occur. One of the most essential services provided by a family dentist is regular cleaning. Just basic and routine dental cleanings can help a lot in maintaining the health of your teeth. These dentists also provide periodic x-rays to search for cavities, fill existing cavities and administer fluoride treatments to coat teeth and provide a barrier that makes it harder for cavities to occur. Today, every serious dentist office has an online presence too. Some dentists have their websites on the search engines and others have their Instagram and Facebook profiles on social media.

By visiting a family dentist twice a year for routine maintenance, you can avoid costly repair work down the line caused by cavities, decay, plague and infectious dental diseases. For most individuals, these twice yearly visits prevent the need to ever have root canals, periodontal treatments and other expensive treatments and surgeries only performed by specialists. For example, a routine cleaning and exam by a family dentist in Brisbane will cost less than one hundred dollars, while a root canal performed by an endodontist can cost hundreds of dollars for each tooth.

Health and Beauty

Hemorrhoid Surgery Purpose, Types, and Recovery

The hemorrhoidal disease represents a very common anorectal condition, characterized by symptomatic dilation and distal displacement of the hemorrhoidal pads. This pathology affects millions of people around the world and represents a major socio-economic and medical problem.

The exact pathophysiology of the development of the hemorrhoidal disease is not fully known, and probably the disease cannot be attributed to a single cause or mechanism. The multiplicity of possible etiopathogenetic mechanisms suggests the principle according to which no theory can individually explain the pathophysiological changes associated with hemorrhoidal disease.

For years the theory of varicose veins, which dates back to the intuition of Galen before and Hippocrates after, has been the most accredited.

Hemorrhoid Surgery

This theory, starting from the observation of an abundant vascular component in hemorrhoid, postulated that this pathology was caused by the presence of varicose veins in the anal canal.

However, it was shipwrecked over the years, since, as demonstrated, anorectal varices and hemorrhoids are to be considered distinct entities. Patients with portal hypertension and esophageal varices do not have an increase in the incidence of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids and Hemorrhoidal Disease, Characteristics of A Pathology

The hemorrhoids can be defined as vascular structures in the anal canal, which play a key role in maintaining fecal continence. They are a normal anatomical component of man. Still, their inflammation due to alterations in the mucosa of the last intestinal tract generates a particularly painful syndrome known as hemorrhoidal disease, which is more commonly known with the term “hemorrhoids” only.

Hemorrhoids most commonly present themselves as nodular structures of red-violet color extremely sensitive to touch. The triggering factors for inflammation are manifold and cause a slackening of the mucous wall of the rectal-anal canal with a consequent insufficiency of the hemorrhoidal veins.

The stasis, in association with the hot-humid and decidedly contaminated environment, represents the conditions that determine the mucosal suffering and sometimes the sliding of the mucous and vascular structures beyond the anal orifice.

Hemorrhoids, Symptoms and Pathology Diagnosis

The reasons that lead to the development of hemorrhoidal pathology are commonly associated with:

  • Family predisposition
  • Pregnancy and birth vaginally
  • Age
  • Improper feeding
  • Obesity
  • Excessive efforts
  • Sedentary life
  • Contraceptive drugs
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic thrombosis
  • Chronic liver diseases
  • Sitting position for several hours
  • Sports with saddle injuries (riding, cycling, motorcycling)

The patient with hemorrhoids has common symptomatology which can include:

  • Pain and Burning Sensation
  • Bleeding
  • Sense of Heaviness at The Rectal Level
  • Mucus Secretion
  • Anal Itching
  • Prolapse

The diagnosis of the disease is formulated in the majority of cases following a first classic medical examination thanks to a visual inspection of the anus and associated structures to which can be added a digital and instrumental rectal examination for the evaluation of internal hemorrhoids and any other pathologies such as polyps and tumors of the rectum, fissures, fistulas, abscesses.

What Are the Surgical Techniques Available?

Currently, different techniques are used that the surgeon chooses based on the degree of the hemorrhoids and the result to be obtained. Among them, we find:

Traditional Hemorrhoidectomy

This is the classic intervention described by Milligan-Morgan to which several surgeons have made technical variations over time, which, however, have not changed the principle of the technique, which consists in removing the hemorrhoidal tissue.


The intervention consists of the removal of the hemorrhoidal packets using an electric scalpel or ultrasound scalpel, also coagulating the artery that feeds them.

A necessary precaution to keep in mind in this technique is that hemorrhoids cannot be removed throughout the circumference of the anal canal but, in the points between one removal and the other, a bridge of intact mucosa must be left.  This is to ensure the regrowth of the new healthy mucosa and thus avoid the risk of anal canal stenosis.

It is an important but decidedly effective intervention that is performed under spinal or general anesthesia. In the postoperative course, it can lead to significant pain. Therefore in my practice, at the end of the operation, I block only the nerve endings of the pain through injections of anesthetic.

Hemorrhoidectomy with Mechanical Stapler

This technique aims to correct not only the hemorrhoids but also the prolapse (descent) of the anal mucosa that they cause, thus restoring the conformation and anatomical connections in the anal canal and bringing the healthy hemorrhoidal mucosa pads back into position.

The technique involves the creation, inside the anal canal, of a future that guides the action carried out by a circular mechanical stapler. Once introduced into the anal canal, the stapler removes the diseased hemorrhoidal pads. At the same time, with its metallic staples, they suture the circular portions of healthy mucous pads together in a circular direction.

The operation is rather short and lasts about thirty minutes, after which an internal lifting of the mucosa is obtained. The advantage of this technique is certainly the lesser pain compared to a traditional hemorrhoidectomy.

Hemorrhoidectomy with Laser Photocoagulation

The laser is conveyed through an anal-inserted device. The photocoagulation of the branches of the hemorrhoidal artery is obtained under doppler guidance.

The innovation of this method is given by the fact that there is no removal of tissue. Still, the laser beam determines the interruption of nourishment to the hemorrhoids through the closure of its arterioles.

The procedure lasts about thirty minutes, does not require medications, and the patient can leave the clinic after a few hours. The hemorrhoidal cushions deprived of the blood supply progressively detain themselves, leading to the improvement of the symptoms. In the event, it can be repeated without any contraindication.

Health and Beauty

Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is necessary to prevent dental problems and bad breath. Tooth decay, toothache, gingivitis, and halitosis can be avoided if good oral hygiene is practiced. By practicing oral hygiene other more serious problems can be prevented. Dental problems such as infection of the periodontal tissues can lead to more serious health problems such as heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, meningitis, and bacterial pneumonia.

Good oral hygiene does not take too much effort or resources but it can significantly contribute to your overall health. Proper oral hygiene should include regular tooth brushing, dental flossing, and regular visit to the dentist.

Regular tooth brushing is a basic oral hygiene routine that should be done at least three times a day or every after meal. It is highly recommended by dentists that inter-dental tooth brush should be used to properly clean in between the teeth. On the other hand, brushing should not be limited to the brushing of the teeth. Proper oral hygiene also requires the brushing of the tongue. Dental flossing is another basic oral hygiene routine that should be done at least once a day. Dental flossing can remove food debris in between teeth.

Finally, regular visit to the dentist or dental hygienist is the most important component of good oral hygiene. If you don’t have a dentist or you are looking for a new one the best place to start your search is the internet. You can simply type “dentist office near me” and you will get a lot of dental offices to compare and choose from. Only professional cleaning can remove hardened tartar.

Health and Beauty Home

How to Choose the Right Inversion Table

Inversion therapy has been used for over 2,000 years to treat back pain. Simply raise the level of your hips above your shoulders and gravity itself provides a gentle form of spinal traction.

The trick to inversion therapy is safely resting at such an angle so your weight is supported by your lower extremities. That lets gravity pull the rest of your body without undoing the effect by supporting your weight on your head and shoulders.

The ladder – Hippocrates’ original inversion table

Early forms of spinal traction involved having your knees tied together and your ankles fastened to a ladder. The ladder would then be raised leaving you hoisted upside down. Scary huh?

Other methods used ropes and pulleys to pull the patient into an inverted position. Clearly inversion therapy in ancient Greece left a lot to be desired.

Inversion therapy began in earnest in the UK about 30 years ago. Ropes, pulleys, and splinters were replaced with metal bars and gravity boots acting as ankle supports. A great way to exercise and enjoy the benefits of inversion – if you can get into the gravity boots in the first place.

Now there’s a better way to enjoy the benefits of inversion: inversion tables.

Today’s answer for back pain: inversion tables

Today’s best UK inversion tables have come a long way in comfort and convenience. No need to contort your body into a pair of hanging gravity boots with a hurt back either.

If you can stand up and lie down, you can easily use a modern inversion table. But that doesn’t mean all inversion tables are created equal.

The research has shown a number of areas to evaluate when considering any inversion table.