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Here is why we have a Patent System

A patent application must describe an invention with sufficient detail, so as to enable others to make and use the invention. This may seem strange when you consider that anyone who makes or uses the patented invention will be infringing on the patent. But. There is a reason for this. And before discussing the parts of a patent application, you should understand these reasons.

The first section of your patent application is the background of the invention. In this section you discuss what is known as the “prior art”. “Prior art” refers to existing products or processes, usually the patents found in your patent search, that solve the same problems addressed by your invention. Essentially, this section addresses the problems with the prior art that are solved by your invention.

Suppose you invent a revolutionary new medical product that stops aging. Obviously, this product will be worth large amounts of money. Without a patent system, you would have to keep your anti-aging formula a secret. And hope that no one else figures it out. With a patent system, you can patent your formula. And no one is allowed to compete with you, no matter how simple your formula may be. To do everything right it is recommended to hire professional help from agencies such as InventHelp.

The “prior art” would be the products and processes that people used to do to prevent aging, before you discovered your secret formula. The prior art would include facial moisturizing creams, herbal remedies, vitamins, plastic surgery and so on. You would then describe the shortcoming of the prior art. The purpose of the Background of the Invention section is to show the advantages of your invention over the prior art. In other words, to show why your invention is worthy of a patent.

Summary Of The Invention

Once you have described why your invention is patentable, then you need to describe what your invention is. In this section, you briefly discuss your invention and how it solves the problems of the prior art. For example, you would briefly describe the components of your anti-aging formula and how it is made or manufactured.

Detailed Description Of The Invention

This next section goes into detail as to how your invention is made and used, and the best mode for carrying out your invention. This is usually the longest section of the patent application, and the most detailed. This section describes your invention by making reference to the drawings and figures that may be attached to your application. It would be wise to let the experts, like InventHelp, help you with this.

The actual structure or make-up of your invention is called an “embodiment”. For example, your patent may describe one or several embodiments of your invention.

The Purpose Of The Patent System Is To Benefit Society

How does the patent system benefit society? Here is how.

Your patent teaches others how to make and use your secret anti-aging formula. No one can compete with you. But society still benefits because they can learn from your formula. Your formula may lead to other inventions. Such as an anti-cancer drug or a drug that prevents heart disease, or a drug that prevents hair-loss or bad breath. Who knows!

The point. The patent system benefits society by encouraging the disclosure of inventions, in order to spur future innovation. It accomplishes this by offering inventors an incentive for disclosing their invention.

Business Law

Where do you do a patent search?

Completing a patent search is a common part of the patent application process. But this would lead any inventor to a few questions. Why should you do a patent search? And how to do a patent search? Look no further for the answers.

Why Conduct a Patent Search

There are really two reasons to perform a patent search, and done repetitively throughout the patent application process. The standard internationally for making pending patent applications public to search is at least 18 months from the filing date. This means that when you do a patent search there are a large number of patent applications that have not been made available yet.

The second reason why to do a patent search is so that you don’t waste your time. If someone else has a patent on your exact idea that is active for another ten years, then the expense and time of the patent application process might be a bad plan for that idea. Another reason of why to do a patent search is that you can use a combination of keywords, numbers, and expressions that would take dozens of searches otherwise. It is very well described in this article –

Where Can You Conduct a Patent Search

One of the easiest places to perform a patent search is with Google Patent Search. This is a very general patent search using only general keywords, but will give you an idea of whether a patent exists or now. In this basic patent search, you come up with something that resembles your idea all you need to do is note down the patent number. Then head to the US Patent & Trademark Office to locate that patent in full detail. When finding out where to do a patent search you will find many options, you just need to pick one.

How to Conduct A Patent Search

All you need to do for a patent search is locate the service and enter as many or as few keywords as you want. This will take you to any possible matches, and you can sort out if any of them fit your idea. Once you click on an idea from the patent search results, it will take you to a page with the title, abstract description and application date. If you feel it’s a good match, you can click on it for further details.

If any of these ideas are relevant to yours, its time for the professional opinion of a patent expert, such as Invent Help patent agency. This is how to perform a patent search, but it is always better to hire a professional patenting agency such as InventHelp. Keep in mind that if you don’t do one yourself, you run the risk of a patent examiner discovering something in the middle of the patent application process, and the filing fees are non-refundable.

Business Law

Protect the Features of an Invention

A utility application is an application that seeks to patent and protect the structural features and/or functional features of an invention. A design application, on the other hand, is an application that seeks to patent and protect an ornamental feature of an invention.

Whether you should file a utility or design application depends on the kind of invention you have, your goals, and the kind of protection you seek. Not all inventions can be a subject of a design application. It is best that you consult with a patenting agency such as Invent Help or a registered patent attorney to determine which application to file.

A provisional application is usually filed to preserve an early filing date, which may become critical in determining who was first to invent the invention. It usually has the components of a regular application, except for the claims section. A regular application must be filed one year after filing the provisional application. Otherwise, the provisional application will be abandoned.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not publish or examine provisional applications. Provisional applications do not issue into patents. While many benefits can be derived from filing a provisional application, patent law imposes complex requirements for obtaining the full benefits from a provisional application. Therefore, it is important to talk to a registered patent attorney regarding provisional applications.

“Patent pending” means an application that is “complete,” as defined by patent law, has been filed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Once obtained, an inventor may mark the product that is the subject matter of the filed application with the “Patent Pending” mark, which may add marketing value. Additionally, some inventors may find it easier to attract investors upon obtaining the “patent pending” status.

Having an early filing date is critical for an inventor in establishing ownership of the invention in the United States and all around the world. You can read much more about patenting process on InventHelp as well – learn why new inventors turn to InventHelp.


Corporate Branding Services

Are you having trouble getting a committee in your company to create a branding strategy for you? Do you find it a complicated task to come up with effective branding tactics? Does your existing branding campaign fall short of your expectations? Are you at a loss on what to do next?

Why not consider getting corporate branding services? There are many consultants and firms offering such services for companies like yours that are in a quandary on the right approach of their corporate branding predicament.

Corporate branding services can provide your company with a comprehensive strategy to get your company name across the market, with the right image that you desire it to project.

The strategy would include coming up with advertisements and promotions that are in line with the desired corporate image. Intangibles are important here. Concepts on goodwill, trust and reliability are driven hard at.

With corporate branding, one is more concerned on the image of the company, its name and culture. Unlike product branding wherein the company allows its products to have a life of its own, corporate branding would want to be known as a company offering quality products, excellent customer service and high-integrity business transactions.

With corporate branding, the company may also want to be known for their activities in answering the call of social responsibility on the local communities they are operating in – portraying responsible citizenship. Many branding consultant firms offer corporate branding services.

Business Home

How the Patent Approval Process Works

Have you recently submitted your application for a patent? If so, is this your first time applying for a patent? If it is, you may be wondering exactly how everything will work. If that is the case, you will want to learn more about the patent approval process. Essentially, the patent approval process is time from when you submit your application until you hear a response back from the patent office. If you are like most hopeful patent holders, you may be wondering about what goes on during that time period.

Although different countries may have different ways of handling the patent approval process, everything is about the same. The process typically begins with your application being assigned to a patent expert or an employee of the patent office in question. There are patenting agencies such as InventHelp that could help you on this.

The job of the individual that is assigned to your application will include a number of important tasks. One of those tasks is taking the time to fully examine and understand your patent request. This also involves determining whether or not the information you provided was enough. If you did not provide enough detailed information, on your new invention, the patent approval process may end right there. That is why it is important that you go into great detail when describing your new invention.

In addition to making sure your patent application describes your invention, in great detail, you patent approval specialist, will also make sure that your patent is a unique idea; one that has not already been used. This part of the patent process involves the use of a patent record search. A patent record search will help to make sure that your patent is really one of a kind. In the event that your patent is similar to an existing patent, your request for a patent will likely be denied. That is why it is important, before the patent approval process even begins, to make sure that your idea is truly unique. You can easily do this online by performing your own patent search or by browsing through a collection of patent listings.

Although the overall patent process works the same, the time it takes to receive a response tends to vary. With a denial, you could receive a response in as little as a few months, but there are no guarantees. However, should your application for a patent be approved, the process will likely get started right away. Your patent, until it is granted, will likely be classified as a patent pending. That patent pending status is typically in place for about two or three months; the average amount of time that it takes for most patents to be issued.

Essentially, once you have submitted your application to the appropriate patent office, the patent approval process is really out of your hands; therefore, in all honestly, you just need to sit back and wait. Should your patent application be denied, there are steps that you can take to reapply; however, you are urged to use your best judgment because the patent approval process can get quite costly. If in doubt, about what to do next, you can always try and contact a representative in your patent office or you could seek professional assistance from a patent attorney or an agency like Invent Help.


Marine Protection Plan

There’s nothing more enjoyable than a day on the water—unless a mechanical breakdown leaves you ashore. A marine protection plan can make your watercraft repairs easier and more affordable, getting you back on the water where you belong.

Protection plans include core service contracts, accessory packages and other agreements that protect your investment.

Core service contracts protect you against the cost of out-of-pocket expenses for most of your engine’s mechanical failures.
Accessory packages cover mechanical breakdowns affecting your watercraft’s accessories, such as air conditioners, depth finders, trolling motors, trailers and more.

Make sure you’re protected against the costly repairs of a mechanical breakdown—ask your dealer about purchasing and financing a marine protection plan. Giantech Engineering company is one of the best in repair and servicing for Maritime Protection.

Maritime Protection Services

Maritime Protection Services provide:

  • Information and advice on safety/security.
  • Stowaway prevention procedures.
  • Security and surveillance of vessels at anchor, under pilot, in port.
  • Risk/threat analysis.
  • Safer working environment.
  • Improved crew security in port.
  • Multi-skilled staff that are specially screened and selected for their specific tasks.

How To Find An Invention Idea

The majority of people believe that the first step to coming up with a great company idea is to brainstorm. You have probably heard about “idea brainstorming” sessions where individuals or groups attempt to come up with the next million dollar idea. This can be fruitful but it’s not the only way to generate ideas.

It’s important to realize that the great inventions that have happened throughout history solve real, deep rooted problems. They transform rather than simply build on existing ideas with minimal improvements. This often requires thorough research to see whether others are willing to embrace your new invention as explained on

Step 1:

Think within big industries which make a lot of money, especially those which are growing: These companies do well because people are willing to buy the goods or services. You won’t be able to compete with the big guys so try to find a niche. You don’t want to be diving into a market where consumers are spending less and less money. A good place to see what areas are growing is to throw a few of your own ideas into Google Trends to see how big the market is compared to others and whether it is healthy or diminishing.

Step 2:

Find out the problems and annoyances facing consumers and businesses: Once you have chosen the market you need to find unsolved problems within it. You need to begin understanding the intricacies of the work done by businesses by talking to experts, customers and employees. Sometimes the best way is to get a job and find out for yourself. This is often the part which people choose to skip or ignore because it requires considerable time and effort to get in touch and get talking to the right people.

Step 3:

Come up with a plan for your invention but keep it simple: I’m not expert when it comes to business plans and there is plenty of help on the internet to get walk you through making one. Of course, if you are trying to sell your invention idea to a potential investor they will need know it makes financial sense. The most important thing is to keep the product simple to begin with, the biggest mistake is wasting time and money on refinement or add-on features before you have got the basics right. Customers will embrace the invention if it gets to the core of their problem or need, regardless if it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles at launch.

Step 4:

Start trying, even though you might get it wrong: Chances are your first idea for a solution will be wrong. It might need altering or even require starting from scratch. If you have the homework and still believe your idea is great, now is the time to put your full effort behind it. This can be a scary moment, often because of the financial risk, but few great inventions ever came about without risks being taken. Remember, you have to go out there and start trying, otherwise you will never get the ball rolling and your dream of being the next great inventor will always be just that, a dream.

You might find yourself going through the research steps more than once before you feel you have something good. The good news is, each time you do it the more you will learn and you will be more likely to stumble across the next big thing as stated on


Patent An Idea Now Without Risking It

Ready to patent an idea? Or, do you feel you should wait a bit to see if your idea is something that’s so useful, others will purchase it?

We’ve all had this happen… we see an ad on TV for some new idea and think, “I’ve got a better idea than that!” If so, the time to patent an idea is sooner rather than later. Every year, millions of people miss out on big money because they either wait too long to patent an idea they’ve had or they never get around to it at all, and someone else files an application. The risks of waiting to patent an idea are obvious to me but maybe not to others who come up with great new invention ideas.

When you are trying to come up with a new invention idea, you may not realize it, but you are already competing with other people. There is rarely an original idea. If you have a new invention idea, chances are that someone else has, too. But it doesn’t matter whether you are the first person to get an idea or not. What matters is whether or not you are the first person to actually send in your application to patent it as explained on

How To Patent An Idea For Profit

When you have been granted a patent, you hold the claim to that idea or process, and nobody else can take it from you without your consent.

You can try to go through the application process by yourself, which can be difficult but is not uncommon for people to do. Patent attorneys are a great way to get some guidance and help if you aren’t comfortable or experienced in drafting the application on your own. They’re actually more than just a way to get guidance. Patent attorneys know the lingo, loopholes, and how to present your idea on the application so it stands out.

Learn how to file a patent

There are also various inventor services that can help you patent an idea such as InventHelp as you can read from Firms like this assist in taking your invention from just an idea to a fully working prototype that can be shopped around to potential buyers. As soon as your file your patent application, it is patent pending, and your invention is protected.


Material Property vs Intellectual Property

With the increasing globalization movement that accelerated with the second half of the 20th century, the producers switched from national markets to international markets with the increasingly competitive market and successive customs walls. This situation has left every producer to compete not only with its domestic competitors but also with its international competitors.

Nowadays, production power and capacity are gradually losing their importance, and intellectual rights (i.e. brands, patents and industrial designs related to new technologies), which enable to sell goods and services under better conditions, are becoming more and more important as you can read from

Companies with intellectual property rights for a good or service have the largest share of the cake in the market, while other producers have to be subcontractors working with less profit.

In the first half of the 20th century, tangible assets (eg capital, facilities, machinery and equipment) are on average 80% of the total value of companies and intangible assets (eg, brands, patents protected inventions, designs and know-how etc.) on average 20%. This rate has changed in the opposite direction today. The proportion of intangible assets has increased to 80%.

Now, the biggest assets for companies are not their capital, machinery, land, facilities, but brands, technologies and know-how. Therefore, it has become imperative for companies to manage their intellectual property, which is their most valuable asset, not only as a “registration” but to manage it effectively as explained on

Business Travel

Helicopter Tours

If you take a ride with an experienced helicopter tours provider then you know you are able to get the best. This is because they know all the good sites for scenic helicopter tours.

Getting a helicopter ride provider is not hard especially if you know where to look. There are a number of things you should consider when looking for the right helicopter. The first thing is to look for a reliable helicopter tours operator, such as Bekaa Air and you can learn more about them through their Company Profile. This means that you should get proper references before you go about looking for a helicopter ride provider. To do this you can inquire from people who have used that particular helicopter provider before.

The second thing that you need to keep in mind is the reason for the helicopter ride. There are a number of reasons why you may seek to take a helicopter ride. This should be one of the things you consider when you want to charter a helicopter. This is because there are different packages depending on your reasons. If you want to see some place for the view or for picture taking then you can get a chartered helicopter tour.