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Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries

When they first came to being, patents were not only meant to protect one’s property but they were also a way of encouraging people to come up with their own inventions. Patents were also used to encourage these inventors to share with the public what they have created without the fear of having their ideas stolen.

Thus, the Congress was guaranteeing inventors that it will protect their rights as long as the inventors gave access of their creations to the public. Patent and trademark depository libraries are tasked with providing public access to these patents as well as to trademark information as you can read from

The program of patent and trademark depository libraries was founded in the mid 1800’s by an act of Congress. This act made it compulsory for patent to be published as well as disseminated in public libraries. Initially, there were only twenty two libraries that took part in this act. After a century, the patent and trademark depository libraries became more popular and there are now over eighty of them in the United States of America. There are also several benefits that come with a library being elevated to this status.

Patent and trademark information is crucial to most small businesses, companies that deal with research and even universities. For this reason, the patent and trademark depository libraries attract a lot of new clientele when they are elevated to this status. In addition to this, the wealth of resources that the new patent and trademark depository libraries get ensure that they are known as prestigious facilities.

For a library to become a patent and trademark depository library, there are several requirements that it would have to meet. The first of these would be the library should have the capacity to accommodate over two decades worth of information pertaining to patents or trademarks. In addition to this, they should be willing to let the public access this collection of information without any hassle and for no cost. These files pertaining to patents can be in any form including in DVD format or in traditional paper scripts.

Another thing that the library should guarantee before it can become a patent and trademark depository library is its ability to protect these records from any damage. Patent and trademark depository libraries are expected to have trained staff who are not only fluent in using the collection of records but can also guide all the library patrons through the information until they find what they are looking for. Get more information about patents and patenting an idea from


You Have An Idea – What Do You Do Now?

You have an idea. You are exited about it and the dollar signs are in your eyes. It is going to change your life. You may be right about the last part but make that change be for the better. First remove the money, that will come later and it can get in the way of sound decisions. So where do you go from here? Do you get a patent, license it to a company to manufacture and market it and you get royalties, or do you development, manufacture, and market it yourself? There are many avenues that you may choose. Many of these should be investigated before decisions are finalized.

To take an idea and make it a reality is a major undertaking even for a simple to produce idea. But both the personal satisfaction and the financial returns can be very rewarding as you can read from

In the 70’s and 80’s getting a company to consider a new product from an inventor was much more difficult than it is today. Today many companies are taking a pro active approach to finding new and innovated products to ad to their line. It was usually easier to produce the item than to sell it. However today that may have reversed, more is expected from the product itself and the design and engineering is more demanding, but with cad and the advancements in rapid prototyping the development is more predicable.

Patents are the first step that many take. They want to protect their idea from being stolen and before you get too much invested you want to protect it also. But a patent should not be the first order of business. Before patenting, ask yourself – can it be produced economical and will it sell as explained on Without these, buy yourself a boat and keep the day job.

However proceed with a patent search and register your idea. Your patent search may influence the design of the product.


Proving the Invention is Yours

A successful invention can be an incredibly exciting and important moment in the life of an inventor. Many first-time inventors fail to understand how to protect their inventions. These inventors may find that someone has stolen or used their idea.

There are steps that can be taken to keep an invention protected and help inventors take ownership of their inventions. They will be able to prove that an invention is their own during cases of stealing and invention infringements.

Getting the Patent

The only way one can legally protect his or her invention is through a patent. A patent is a way to claim rights to an invention. When a patent is filed, others cannot duplicate, create, use or sell the idea. Complete control and ownership goes directly to the patent holder as seen on this channel –

A patent is the only true way for inventors to prove that inventions are their own. Without a patent, an argument has no basis and is therefore invalid. Hire a professional to ensure that your patent is filed completely and correctly.

Focusing on the Claim

The claim section of the patent process is the single most important piece of the entire set of paperwork. This section allows inventors to describe the inventions they are trying to patent. Inventors must make sure this wording is airtight to prevent anyone from finding a loophole in the patent. This claim is what will help to prove that the invention is the actual property of the owner.

Photographic Evidence

There are a few more things that inventors can do to claim their work. Photographic evidence provided with a patent helps to claim ownership by solidifying any claims with patents, and may be helpful in lawsuits against those who have violated a patent.

Inventors need to work to protect themselves and their inventions by being able to prove that the invention is their own creation. Patents, claims and photographic evidence are the only ways to do so. For more information about patents and patenting please visit


Camping Gear Tips

Camping is a popular activity that many people enjoy. It’s a great way to bond with loved ones and experience the majesty of the natural world. An important part of safe camping is being prepared. Before you head out into the wilderness, you’ll need to make sure you have the proper camping gear. The first thing you should do is evaluate your environment and your group. What is the climate at your campsite going to be like? How many people are in your group? These questions will need to be answered before you start your preparations.

First, you’ll need a tent. The size of the tent you will need of course depends on how many people will be using it. Tents these days come in many different sizes and styles to accommodate every need. There are dome style tents, cabin style tents, family size tents, single size tents, and more. There are websites that review camping gear and there you can read the reviews about the best tents on the market for your camping trip. The next thing you’ll need is a sleeping bag. Whether or not you’ll need a thick, insulated sleeping bag or one that’s more thin will be determined by the climate. There are sleeping bags made for cold climates and ones made for more temperate weather. If you are going to be camping in colder weather, make sure you dress appropriately as well in warm layers.

If you are going to be cooking over a campfire, you’ll need wood for the fire, matches to light it and stones to keep it safely contained. The wood and stones can often be found in the camping area. When extinguishing a campfire, always pour water and/or dirt on it to make sure every last ember is out. Some people prefer to cook with a camping stove or portable charcoal grill, which can be easier than fussing with a campfire although not nearly as traditional. You’ll want to bring a cooler or more than one filled with plenty of bottled water and food supplies, as well as any utensils you think you might need.

The rest of the camping gear you’ll need include items for comfort and safety. Lanterns for light, a compass for directional assistance, a first aid kit in case of injury, and insect repelant to keep pesky bugs from biting. You’ll also want to bring one of the comforts of home that many people take for granted — toilet tissue. If your group includes small children, bring along some games or fun activities in case of boredom. Finally, pack a camera to photograph the beauty of the landscape and preserve the memories of your camping trip for years to come!


The Value of a Patent

Creating an earth shattering patent can be one of the best experiences of your life, but it can be easy to overlook the actual value of these patents. The patent process is put in place to protect the individual who has created the patent in so much so as it helps to keep other businesses or people from claiming the rights to, licensing or otherwise making money from the product. The value of the patent is quite often misunderstood, though. As you start on your road to obtaining a patent, you should know these differences.

In fact, many patent attorneys and patent agents will tell you that you should have in place a patent strategy, or a process of working through the patent requirements to safeguard your patent and your invention as a whole as you can read from In having this, you may be able to fully protect your rights and be able to count on having all of the rights as a patent holder. For most situations, it does not cost a lot of money to get this process in line.

To accomplish this, first start by having a patent application that has a broad scope to it. This will help to protect you enough during the early stages to insure that later changes to your patent can be acceptable. It is quite important to have a professionally written patent, but you can begin to get an idea as to what this includes now.

Second, be sure that you include all of the information that is required of you. This should be all patentable subject matter. Your patent attorney can help you to decide what this is, but it generally includes all of the products, the systems, the software and the processes that define your product specifically.

You should have insured that you have a provisional patent in place. Follow all requirements for a thorough and complete provisional patent. This will safeguard your investment down the line and may even make the process far less complex later.

Remember that the value of a patent is far beyond just protecting the rights of you, yourself. Rather, it is also the means of protecting your right to later sell what you have. For example, products that end up falling under the umbrella of the patent will be given a better look over and acceptance by licensees and partners.

Of course, the only way to fully insure that you have the necessary information in place, is to insure that a thorough patent search has been done. A patent search will make sure that there is no one else out there who can claim your patent or invention as something that has to do with their own. Although many people believe this is a simply process, it can be quite complex as described in article.

Take the time to insure that the patent application you file gives your product the very best it can. It should provide a thorough explanation and meet all requirements as outlined by the governmental requirements of the patent laws.


The benefits of news online

A newspaper provides news but updates are not immediately available. For many people, businessmen in particular, minute by minute updates are crucial. Stock brokers have to stay updated with indices of stock markets to take quick decisions. Television provides updates but does not provide analysis quickly. Online news portals in UK provide current breaking news and back it up with analysis from experts. Even as an event unfolds you can see photos, videos, read inside stories and user opinions. No traditional media can offer all the benefits that online news portals offer. The best part is it costs nothing to read news on the computer or mobile.

Quality news online

While television airtime and newspaper space is put on sale for advertisements, news in traditional media varies in quality and quantity. For instance lack of space due to ads on a given day could leave some news stories out. The internet does not suffer from such drawbacks. An online news portal is able to cover local, national, international, business, politics, entertainment and sport news without missing anything. The reader knows what is happening in his city, country and the world at large. This level of information provision is unmatched and the information is for keeps. It is easy for anyone to look up and archive it. News readers can tune in at different times of the day from any part of the world to follow stories of their interests.

The web is able to provide exciting, authentic and current breaking news without a price on computers and handheld devices. You can know your local weather or read up on international political relations as you are traveling without stopping to read. You could also stores updates or cache them for use later. Online news has changed the way news is consumed, for the better.


When to Patent

A patent is not an end to itself. A patent is simply a tool in a commercial strategy. Without being incorporated into a commercial strategy a patent is merely an expensive piece of paper. Furthermore, a patent has a limited term, most often 20 years from the filing date. So, the timing of filing a patent application is important.

Typical commercial strategies involve securing an exclusive market, licensing a patent, and/or attracting investors. The decision to engage in the patent process should be consistent with the contemplated commercial strategies.

The following considerations can help guide a decision to patent.

Imminent Public Disclosure

Filing a patent application is a balance between being first to file and properly supporting and documenting an invention. Best practice is to keep the invention a secret until a patent application is filed. Many patent claims have been held invalid based on an inventor’s own disclosure. Thus, if patent protection is desired, then filing of a patent application is recommended prior to discussing or showing the invention to anyone not bound by confidentiality as explained on

Reverse Engineering

Aspects of an invention that cannot be reverse engineered may not need patent protection, and may be maintained as trade secrets. Depending on the commercial strategy for the invention a determination can be made regarding patent protection for aspects that can be reverse engineered.

A New Invention

If a prior art search reveals no previous disclosure of the invention, then a significant barrier to patentability is removed.

An Obvious Invention

If a prior art search reveals a previous disclosure that makes the invention obvious, then obtain a practical answer from the patent professional regarding possible challenges that may be faced during the patent process.

Commercial Success

How much money will the invention bring in? Commercial viability of the invention is paramount in considering to pursue patent protection. A good barometer is an expectation of peak annual revenues of greater than $100000 for the US market.

Commercial Longevity

How long will the invention be relevant? Commercial longevity of the invention is critical. A good barometer is an expectation of peak revenues occurring after 5 years from a patent application filing date.

Attracting Investors

If external investment or financing is an integral part of a commercial strategy then a determination should be made as to whether patent protection would increase the chances of attracting investment or other financing.


If a commercial strategy is based on licensing, then a determination should be made as to licensing possibilities and expected revenues. A good barometer is an expectation of peak annual revenues of $30000 from the US market. Patent costs can be defrayed by having a licensee agree to take on all or part of the costs.

Enhanced Reputation

If patenting can result in an increased valuation of a business by its customers or competitors.

Infringing Activity

A patent is an exclusive right that allows the patentee to exclude others from practicing the claimed invention. A patentee does not need the patent to commercialize the invention. Thus, before filing a patent application a determination should be made as to the likelihood of competitors’ copying or infringing activity as you can see from article.

Patent Landscape

If the invention is in a technology area that is filled with existing patents owned by competitor’s, then practicing the invention may require licensing competitor’s patents. Obtaining a patent on the invention may provide a benefit by allowing a cross-licensing opportunity.


Best Streaming Sites

We all love to watch movies. Unfortunately, we can hardly get time to go to cinema. Seeking for the alternatives, what we have today are PC Computers, Smartphones, TV channels, and DVD players. However, DVD players are kind of out dated today. What’s in the trend today is, watching movies online in PC computers and Smartphones.

Ultimately, if you want to watch movies online from any kind of computing device, and also mobile phones you will need a good website that provide quality contents (Free or Premium). Virtual world of internet today is full of clutter, and unacceptable websites. It is quite of time consuming to find out best sites to watch movies online if you don’t have the proper idea. And we are giving our best, in pursuance to provide a list of best free movie sites to watch free movies online both in Free and Payed service.

Best free streaming sites

The websites to watch movies online I am about to list out here are the best Putlocker alternatives, is completely based on their quality services. The quality services of these sites you can count in are HD video contents, Free access, Wide range of categories, and User-friendly interface.

So, You can certainly get into these top best sites to watch movies online. Oh yes, only high quality movies, but you can watch your favorite TV shows as well and of course you can also download movies free from these sites as well. Check out which one feeds your desire better.

Real Estate

What Are the Advantages to Me of Buying on Lease Option?

There are a lot of great reasons to buy a home of your own. Not only does owning your own home mean that you have total privacy (no landlord making inspections) and total control (if you’ve ever had to move because your landlord sold the house you’re renting, you know what I mean), but owning your own home also means that you’re investing in your financial future.

Think about it this way: right now, you’re probably renting. Every month, you work hard to earn the money for your rent. Every month, you give that money to your landlord, who uses it to make the mortgage payment on the house you’re living in. After 30 years, you’ve bought your landlord a free-and-clear property!

On the other hand, if you BOUGHT the same home and made payments on it for 30 years, YOU would be the one who owned the free and clear property.

And how much would your home be worth in 30 years? Well, on the average, home prices in the United States double about every 10 years. So, instead of a worthless pile of rent receipts, you’d have a paid-off home worth as much as FOUR TIMES what you paid for it!

Think of what you could do with all that value–you could sell the home to pay for your retirement or your children’s college education; you could keep living in the house through your old age, then leave it to your kids or grandkids as an inheritance; or you could sell it or refinance it to pay for a dream trip around the world or a retirement home somewhere nice and warm!

So, why don’t you put down this report and go out and buy a home right now? It’s probably because you can’t–at least not by the “traditional” method of going to the bank and qualifying for a mortgage. About 4 out of 10 Americans don’t have the credit or down payment to get a regular mortgage. And that’s where a lease option also called rent to own homes comes in.

When you Lease a home with the Option to Buy, you get the advantage of living in your home now and setting the price now but have several months or years to straighten out your credit or save a down payment to go to the bank.

Also, when you make improvements to the property (like adding a deck, upgrading the bathroom, or landscaping the outside), the VALUE of the property goes up, but THE AMOUNT YOU OWE DOESN’T GO UP. This is called “sweat equity,” and it’s a way to develop a “down payment” on a home through your own labor.


Road Building

Until the appearance of cars and motor vehicles, the roads did not become essential for the functioning of life as we know it today. It is essential to be able to move to any place today and be connected.

The road network of the entire planet is immense. In the United States alone there are more than 6 million kilometers of road that run through one of the main countries in terms of car industry. That is why in a huge amount of roads, proper planning and decision making when building a road are essential.

India is still in development stage when it comes to modern roads and highways infrastructure. Virendra Mhaiskar IRB Infrastructure – leading road construction company in India is building new roads and highways using the latest technology and machinery and their progress is impressive with over 12,000 kilometers already completed.

Without roads, people could not communicate with each other. So building roads must always be done thinking about their functionality and the first objective of the engineer must be to make it safe in order to reduce traffic accidents.