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Health and Beauty

Hemorrhoid Surgery Purpose, Types, and Recovery

The hemorrhoidal disease represents a very common anorectal condition, characterized by symptomatic dilation and distal displacement of the hemorrhoidal pads. This pathology affects millions of people around the world and represents a major socio-economic and medical problem.

The exact pathophysiology of the development of the hemorrhoidal disease is not fully known, and probably the disease cannot be attributed to a single cause or mechanism. The multiplicity of possible etiopathogenetic mechanisms suggests the principle according to which no theory can individually explain the pathophysiological changes associated with hemorrhoidal disease.

For years the theory of varicose veins, which dates back to the intuition of Galen before and Hippocrates after, has been the most accredited.

Hemorrhoid Surgery

This theory, starting from the observation of an abundant vascular component in hemorrhoid, postulated that this pathology was caused by the presence of varicose veins in the anal canal.

However, it was shipwrecked over the years, since, as demonstrated, anorectal varices and hemorrhoids are to be considered distinct entities. Patients with portal hypertension and esophageal varices do not have an increase in the incidence of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids and Hemorrhoidal Disease, Characteristics of A Pathology

The hemorrhoids can be defined as vascular structures in the anal canal, which play a key role in maintaining fecal continence. They are a normal anatomical component of man. Still, their inflammation due to alterations in the mucosa of the last intestinal tract generates a particularly painful syndrome known as hemorrhoidal disease, which is more commonly known with the term “hemorrhoids” only.

Hemorrhoids most commonly present themselves as nodular structures of red-violet color extremely sensitive to touch. The triggering factors for inflammation are manifold and cause a slackening of the mucous wall of the rectal-anal canal with a consequent insufficiency of the hemorrhoidal veins.

The stasis, in association with the hot-humid and decidedly contaminated environment, represents the conditions that determine the mucosal suffering and sometimes the sliding of the mucous and vascular structures beyond the anal orifice.

Hemorrhoids, Symptoms and Pathology Diagnosis

The reasons that lead to the development of hemorrhoidal pathology are commonly associated with:

  • Family predisposition
  • Pregnancy and birth vaginally
  • Age
  • Improper feeding
  • Obesity
  • Excessive efforts
  • Sedentary life
  • Contraceptive drugs
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic thrombosis
  • Chronic liver diseases
  • Sitting position for several hours
  • Sports with saddle injuries (riding, cycling, motorcycling)

The patient with hemorrhoids has common symptomatology which can include:

  • Pain and Burning Sensation
  • Bleeding
  • Sense of Heaviness at The Rectal Level
  • Mucus Secretion
  • Anal Itching
  • Prolapse

The diagnosis of the disease is formulated in the majority of cases following a first classic medical examination thanks to a visual inspection of the anus and associated structures to which can be added a digital and instrumental rectal examination for the evaluation of internal hemorrhoids and any other pathologies such as polyps and tumors of the rectum, fissures, fistulas, abscesses.

What Are the Surgical Techniques Available?

Currently, different techniques are used that the surgeon chooses based on the degree of the hemorrhoids and the result to be obtained. Among them, we find:

Traditional Hemorrhoidectomy

This is the classic intervention described by Milligan-Morgan to which several surgeons have made technical variations over time, which, however, have not changed the principle of the technique, which consists in removing the hemorrhoidal tissue.


The intervention consists of the removal of the hemorrhoidal packets using an electric scalpel or ultrasound scalpel, also coagulating the artery that feeds them.

A necessary precaution to keep in mind in this technique is that hemorrhoids cannot be removed throughout the circumference of the anal canal but, in the points between one removal and the other, a bridge of intact mucosa must be left.  This is to ensure the regrowth of the new healthy mucosa and thus avoid the risk of anal canal stenosis.

It is an important but decidedly effective intervention that is performed under spinal or general anesthesia. In the postoperative course, it can lead to significant pain. Therefore in my practice, at the end of the operation, I block only the nerve endings of the pain through injections of anesthetic.

Hemorrhoidectomy with Mechanical Stapler

This technique aims to correct not only the hemorrhoids but also the prolapse (descent) of the anal mucosa that they cause, thus restoring the conformation and anatomical connections in the anal canal and bringing the healthy hemorrhoidal mucosa pads back into position.

The technique involves the creation, inside the anal canal, of a future that guides the action carried out by a circular mechanical stapler. Once introduced into the anal canal, the stapler removes the diseased hemorrhoidal pads. At the same time, with its metallic staples, they suture the circular portions of healthy mucous pads together in a circular direction.

The operation is rather short and lasts about thirty minutes, after which an internal lifting of the mucosa is obtained. The advantage of this technique is certainly the lesser pain compared to a traditional hemorrhoidectomy.

Hemorrhoidectomy with Laser Photocoagulation

The laser is conveyed through an anal-inserted device. The photocoagulation of the branches of the hemorrhoidal artery is obtained under doppler guidance.

The innovation of this method is given by the fact that there is no removal of tissue. Still, the laser beam determines the interruption of nourishment to the hemorrhoids through the closure of its arterioles.

The procedure lasts about thirty minutes, does not require medications, and the patient can leave the clinic after a few hours. The hemorrhoidal cushions deprived of the blood supply progressively detain themselves, leading to the improvement of the symptoms. In the event, it can be repeated without any contraindication.


Patent Research Report

You can conduct the patent search on the website of the USPO or on the European Patent Office’s database. However, since patent research is a subject that requires expertise, it is recommended that this patent research be carried out by a professional patent attorney.

Before applying for a patent, patent application documents must be prepared well. Preparation of patent application documents is a task that requires expertise. Considering that every word to be used will significantly affect the scope of protection of the application, it is very important to seek help from a professional patent attorney (preferably an engineer of patent origin).

Patent research is a research conducted by official institutions for the invention that is the subject of a patent application. The patent applicant must request a patent search within 15 months from the date of filing the patent application. As a result of this patent research, the closest documents in the prior art related to the subject of the invention are determined and a patent search report (Patent Search Report) is prepared as you can read from

The patent research report sheds light on the extent to which the patent application meets the patentability criteria. As specific to US, after a patent search report, the patent applicant must examine the patent system or as patent examination system recognized the right to choose one of two systems.

After the patent research report that comes as a result of the patent research, the applicant does not request a patent examination and can choose the patent system without examination. In this case, the patent applicant is given an un-examined patent document providing 7 years of protection. The owner of the Patent Examination Certificate without examination can turn the patent without examination into the patented patent by requesting a patent examination before the 7-year period expires as explained on article.

A patent review is an examination by government agencies for the invention that is the subject of a patent application. The patent applicant should request a patent review after the patent research report is obtained. Patent review is the comparison of the invention subject to patent application and the closest patent documents specified in the patent research report. As a result of this patent examination report, it is decided whether to issue a patent document with examination. The Examined Patent Registration Document provides the patent applicant with 20 years of patent protection.


Problems faced while writing a good dissertation

Writing a dissertation is not an easy task for the students, as it involves different complexities associated with the subject. Writing a dissertation is a very difficult and a complex job. The major problems faced by the students during writing the dissertation are that excellent writing and research skills are required, which is necessarily not available in every student. The students should have excellent writing and research skills, so that they are able to carry out the dissertation in an effective way. For this, the students should be well versed with different referencing and citation styles that sometimes become a major problem for them.

The other problem faced while writing a good dissertation is that right supervisor should be selected who have adequate knowledge about the subject and can apply the same in the topic. Gathering accurate and relevant information, in order to make the dissertation is quite a difficult task for the researcher, as he is not able to select the right supervisor. In addition to this, choosing the right data collection method, in order to analyze the findings is also a difficult task. The researcher has to make sure that the selected research data helps in gathering sound information, which sometimes proves to be problematic for him if he is new in the field of writing a good dissertation. This results in creating some loopholes in the dissertation because of which sound conclusions and findings are not derived at the end.

There are professional writing services online that can help students in writing all kinds of assignments, from homework help to complicated essay writing. There are a lot of companies offering writing services online, so always research the company you plan to use for your writing assignment.


Tennis news online

Tennis is one of the classiest sports of all time, hence why some of the hottest sports people are Tennis players. However, the crème de la crème of the Tennis world seems to be too willing to flaunt their physical superiority by appearing on magazines that has nothing to do with the sports. It all started with Anna Kournikova, the first Tennis sensation who graced the billboards with her stunning physique.

Next was Maria Sharapova, who luckily unlike the former, actually had the skills to win grand slam titles. Now, it seems that another Tennis star will be appearing on Playboy, we hear its another Russian doll, we hope she plays as hard as she does the guys.

As a young man, Roger Federer was notorious for his temper, this often led to him being kicked out of the court. As the years progressed, Federer learned to channel all of his energy to improving his craft. At age 12, Federer chose to give up football to focus on Tennis. It was a decision he would not regret seeing that it was the start of his rise to greatness. Today, Federer is still the number one tennis player. Rafael Nadal retired after losing to him in the last open wherein the latter had a standing ovation for putting us such a remarkable career in Tennis. You can find much more sport news like this online, just type your favorite sports topic and you will get numerous related results.


LDS Dating Online

In the United States, in other than LDS homes, dating often begins by age 13 or sometimes earlier. It often is unchaperoned and quite informal. There is no typical pattern of progression by age level. In other words, some 14 year olds may be in a fairly exclusive relationship with a member of the opposite sex, while in other youngsters, group activities are preferred. Even though societal context influences the LDS, dating patterns are fairly conservative by Western standards.

For youth who are raised LDS, dating often will not begin until about age 16 and exclusive or steady dating or courtship heading toward marriage is usually delayed until after the male has returned from the expected mission and for females after completion of high-school.

LDS dating as well as courtship is expected to be chaste, since couples believe they will be united in a temple marriage which includes binding commitments not only for life on earth, but expected to continue throughout eternity. Two principal doctrines speak to the issue of LDS dating and courtship. First, marriage has a religious significance far beyond what is recognized in most Christian marriages. Young people are expected to marry and have families. Second, chastity is both spiritually and socially vital so young people are strongly urged to postpone sexual relations until after marriage.

Because of the unusually powerful focus on the institution of marriage, including that marriage is a prerequisite for obtaining the highest heavenly levels after death, and that marriage survives death and continues throughout eternity, LDS believers are very serious about the importance of dating and courtship.

The second tenet regarding dating which is important to understand from an LDS standpoint is that of chastity. LDS youth learn that not only is fornication (intercourse prior to marriage) a sin–activities which often lead to fornication, such as necking and petting are sinful as well.

Health and Beauty

Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is necessary to prevent dental problems and bad breath. Tooth decay, toothache, gingivitis, and halitosis can be avoided if good oral hygiene is practiced. By practicing oral hygiene other more serious problems can be prevented. Dental problems such as infection of the periodontal tissues can lead to more serious health problems such as heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, meningitis, and bacterial pneumonia.

Good oral hygiene does not take too much effort or resources but it can significantly contribute to your overall health. Proper oral hygiene should include regular tooth brushing, dental flossing, and regular visit to the dentist.

Regular tooth brushing is a basic oral hygiene routine that should be done at least three times a day or every after meal. It is highly recommended by dentists that inter-dental tooth brush should be used to properly clean in between the teeth. On the other hand, brushing should not be limited to the brushing of the teeth. Proper oral hygiene also requires the brushing of the tongue. Dental flossing is another basic oral hygiene routine that should be done at least once a day. Dental flossing can remove food debris in between teeth.

Finally, regular visit to the dentist or dental hygienist is the most important component of good oral hygiene. If you don’t have a dentist or you are looking for a new one the best place to start your search is the internet. You can simply type “dentist office near me” and you will get a lot of dental offices to compare and choose from. Only professional cleaning can remove hardened tartar.

Internet and Technology

Online graphic marketplace

Mihantarh is the first and the largest persian graphic market in the world. the largest source of persian graphic design’s selling at the best prices with over 100,000 files in store.

Benefits of Homeland Market Design for graphic designers and novice users

The graphic files presented in MihanTarh Market are very useful and efficient not only for professional graphic artists and capable people in this field, but also meet the needs of beginners to create graphic designs needed in business or daily life.

Many users who have a basic knowledge of how to work with Photoshop or other editors can use their ready-made and open-layer designs in the homeland in the shortest time and with their own taste, such as business card, post, post. Design Instagram, posters, etc. and provide them at no extra cost. Professional graphic designers also use these open layer designs as a general context or part of their designs and save time and money.

Mihantarh Services as a graphic market complex

Another advantage that sets the Market apart from other markets is that it enters areas other than graphic open layer designs; Therefore, this market has become a complete and comprehensive package for designers and acts as a large and diverse environment to meet all the needs of users in various fields.

In addition to the above, Mihantarh Market has also provided its users with a complete and extensive collection of audio files to make it easy to make various videos movies and music. Audio effects files, background music, logo music, افکت صدا, movie soundtrack, sports sports music, etc. are some of the things that Mihantarh offers to its users in this field and facilitates the editing of movies, teasers or videos for editors.


Legal protection abroad

Intellectual property rights (patents, utility models, designs, trademarks) are essentially territorial rights, which means that they are valid where they are registered. This can be a specific country or a group of countries in which protection is registered under a specific procedure under different conventions.

Registration means the registration process that has taken place, so that the application has not only been submitted but also “accepted”. Due to the nature of Intellectual property rights, the fact of grant or registration has a retroactive effect on the date of filing, and from there, although retroactively, it creates final protection as you can read from

Protection thus granted retrospectively to the date of filing shall continue until it is maintained or otherwise destroyed. However, this only applies to the country, group of countries or region for which the notification has been submitted. However, there is one – sometimes unpleasant – consequence of this. Where protection is not registered, the subject of the legal protection (invention, design, design, trademark) is a public good, or at least not protected by such strong rights.

An Intellectual property application filed in US or in another country will result in protection in US or in that country as a result of the Intellectual property protection procedure (eg patent protection, utility model protection, design protection, trademark protection) and will not extend to other countries or groups of countries without extension.

The same is true for another country, if someone there only makes a report for that country, it will apply to that country. The consequence of this is that if there is a valid protection in one place but it is not valid elsewhere, then outside the area of ​​validity, the object of protection can be freely realized by someone else, e.g. you can utilize the invention, usage pattern, design, you can manufacture the product, you can use the technology as described in article.

Market products, technologies, and signs used in connection with goods and services in a given country may also be protected to some extent by the provisions of applicable competition law, copyright, or civil law, which may be invoked before the courts there. However, this is not always as effective as a reference to registered Intellectual property rights.

Home Travel

Real Halal Food

Many companies are constantly altering the product ingredients information and selling their anonymous products under the pure name of Halal. Therefore it the responsibility of the Muslim to be aware of what is clearly certified as Halal, which might become Haram for them in the future.

Let us cite a fact that due to a massive and aggressive campaigning carried out by a vegetarian society, some of the products which now display their symbol as suitable for vegetarians, are making it as Halal.

Here are some simple points to note about the medicine, which contains alcohol are not at all allowed and prescribed by the doctors. In case, alcohol undergoes considerable chemical alterations thereby leading it to misplace its original properties by using the chemical processes, because of which its usage becomes permissible. For example, wine is turned into vinegar. Therefore, it is also the reason behind why all soap, which do not contain pig-derived ingredients are allowed to use for Muslims.

Therefore the Halal food directory is the best source for the people in the foreign nationalities, who have to move into different locations of the world due to their responsibilities can now very easily find and locate the Halal food outlets, Halal restaurants with an ease. They do not have to search the area or go for asking the locals about Halal restaurants and fast foods. Now it has become more than easier for them to easily locate their destinations by using the Halal directory.


Popularity of online dating

Due to the recent popularity of online dating, thousands of people are registering to sites that offer these kinds of services. This is because it is indeed effective when it comes to giving people the chance to date and build relationships. There are even sites that cater dating services to a more specific audience such as Christian online dating sites. Now if you are a Christian single looking for dating online, it is important that you realize the importance of conversations when it comes to connecting with individuals on these sites. Keep in mind that even with the help of Christian dating sites, you would not be able to effectively connect with these people if you do not know how to start and end any conversations with them. If you think that you would have issues with this matter then here are some pointers that you can use.

Starting Your Conversations

This is pretty much the hardest part for everyone who is involved in Christians mingle and dating online. There are really a lot of people who do not know how to initiate a conversation properly and often times end up choking with it. This may also be the reason behind those instances where individuals get no responses from the Christian singles that they approach. When it comes to starting conversations, it is really important that you are able to recognize the importance of relevance in your messages. Have a solid idea of the conversation that you would want to achieve and you would have no problems at all when starting it.